Note taking is a topic of great rumination in our studio. We have iPads, notebooks, sticky notes, white boards, our arms. You name it, we’ve used it in our process. These tools we use are to jot down our most important client feedback, sketch out the next breakthrough, or simply lay down a trivial doodle. So when Rocketbook decided to reimagine the legal pad, we were stoked to jump into Orbit with them. I think it’s fair to say we landed on something that will turn some heads and some pages too.

Rocketbook offers customizable synthetic reusable pages in a variety of templates including lined, dot grid, weekly planner, and tasks. The pad is built with a polypropylene core and a durable and water resistant polyurethane laminate.
The most innovative feature of the Orbit is the magnetic bar at the top which holds the page packs onto the writing surface. It lets the user unclip the paper pack, flip to the next page, and snap back in. Instead of paper gathering and folding around the top edge, it’s flat and un-creased. This magnetic re-attaching also allows the user to easily write on both sides of the paper – something traditional legal pads don’t offer.

Our friends at Rocketbook began a Kickstarter campaign to support the launch of this space age legal pad and it has already surpassed the pledge goal. You could say it’s really taking off. Have a look at the progress on their Kickstarter page.

Built with some of Rocketbook’s most notable brand features, Orbit’s pages and content can be scanned and saved to the cloud with the free Rocketbook mobile app. You can save all those meeting notes and precious sketches in popular cloud services including Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote, OneDrive, and many more. Once you’re done, just erase your Orbit and reuse!

Rocketbook Orbit is available for pre-order today on for $29 in executive size and letter size. Each Rocketbook Orbit will include one lined and dot-grid combo page pack, a Pilot FriXion pen and microfiber cloth.

Learn more about this endlessly reusable legal pad at