The Holidays bring cheer and joy, but they also bring time for games. And boy do we enjoy games here at the studio. Clue is a classic. Everyone knows that. So, why not have some fun and spin up our own version of the game for our family and friends to enjoy!? Here is an inside look at the card if you are interested in our mini murder mystery.

Who could have guessed the killer? I mean, come on. Miss Polster is still working on her pa-pa-pa poker face I suppose.

Our friends and frequent clients over at Hasbro, keep churning out great games and exciting new toys, but I think we can all agree, there’s nothing like a classic.
Ryan Thompson Marcus Hanna Hannah Polster Tom Gernetzke Nicole Fiegener Tyler Kelsall Troy Barber Michael Tinstman George Abuhamid John Fiegener
We took it upon ourselves to write up a full set of rules that may or may not be fair. You can be the judge of that.

One of our excellent industrial designers, Tommy G, did a kick-ass job creating the art for the card. After the crew mustered up some ideas to substitute the weapons, he rendered up some “killer” cast playing pieces.

All of us here at TOOL hope you had a magnificent and magnifying holiday.