Athletes and Active Persons!
We are seeking your experiences or lack thereof with mouthguard use. Our purpose is to develop a mouthguard that better serves your needs. Your information will be kept private and we will not share it with anyone, except for analysis we conduct with the information (charts, graphs, etc.). This would be generalized information on the whole field of participants, nothing directly personal about you. The only personal information we ask for is your email address (optional, needed to be entered into drawing) and which age range you fall.
Do you or your dependent (child, spouse, mentee, etc) use a mouthguard for sports?. If you don’t, that’s fine too, we’d still like to hear from you. To answer our five minute online survey please follow one of these three links.
If YOU DON’T use a mouthguard, please go here.
If YOU DO use a mouthguard, please go here.
If YOUR DEPENDENT uses a mouthguard, please go here.
Your knowledge will be greatly appreciated and if you choose to leave us your email address, we’ll enter your name into a drawing to win a $50 prepaid gift card.
Survey has now ended. Thanks to all who submitted their thoughts and experiences. We had about 360-370 participants, more then I had expected, so that was nice. I’m currently organizing the results and we will soon draw names for the gift.

This Post Has 2 Comments
In youth soccer, parents are major stakeholders and significantly influence decisions regarding play and protective equipment use. Understanding the parental attitudes regarding orofacial injury and mouthguard use is important if we are to provide effective measures to reduce these types of injuries in soccer. Previous research has assessed parental attitudes towards mouthguards in youth sports in general.
That’s a great point! Are involved in youth soccer in some capacity? If you have not already done so, please fill out as many of our surveys that are applicable to you. We’d love to get your perspective on the matter.
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